Why are smart homes gaining popularity?

Why are smart homes gaining popularity?

Smart homes are gaining popularity in India not only among home buyers, but also property developers, allied industries and technology providers. Riding high on key drivers like technology and digitization, the ‘Smart Homes’ concept that was once a distant dream is now a reality.

Smart Homes are all about creating a better experience for home owners resulting in a home that’s secure, energy efficient and easier to manage. This would improve and enrich the overall quality of life. Automated homes have all electrical connections, functions and facilities that can be connected and controlled by a smartphone or a computer.

In the initial phase, Smart Homes were being marketed primarily as houses with high-end security features. However, the market is now evolving into newer areas like lighting systems, gas leakage detectors, fire detection systems, entertainment systems and energy efficiency systems. Therefore, Smart Homes, apart from providing better security, convenience and comfort to the resident, also provide significant energy savings. Hiranandani Delanna is a premium residential project located in the suburb of Thane in Mumbai, India. It offers Smart Homes that are designed to provide residents with enhanced convenience, comfort, and security. The homes at Hiranandani Delanna come equipped with a range of smart features such as voice-activated controls, mood lighting, and temperature control systems. The residents can control these features through a mobile app or a central control panel.

More and more Indians are warming up to the idea of living in fully automated Smart Homes. Reports from Schneider Electric suggest that the Smart Home market is expected to grow at a rate of 30% year-on-year, thereby, ensuring that the market will double in revenue every three years.

Smart Homes are surely here to stay and are getting popular by the day, here is why:

Lifestyle: Once hailed as the domain of the super-rich, today most customers wish to reside in smart homes that can be customised to individual needs and budgets. The modern home buyer is well travelled and looks to incorporate global trends in his home leading to a surge in demand for such homes.

Convenience: In the fast pace life, comfort and convenience of using your phone device to manage your house appliances in and around the house work wonders. People prefer smart homes wherein they could turn on/off/view the home security system or voice recognition system, turn off lights and fan while resting on the bed or protect the perimeter of the home with automated outdoor lighting.

The rise of nuclear families: With the rise of nuclear families in India and both the husband and wife working and the house being locked for extended periods of time, installation of safety and security devices is no longer an option but has become a necessity.

Renewable source of energy: Many homeowners are now opting for renewable energy systems at their residence. This system helps generating data of consumption on a regular basis. It detects a home energy management algorithm integrated with a renewable energy system installed within a smart house environment.

Awareness through media / Internet: Be it smart homes or products that empower smart homes, the media, including the internet play a dominant role in creating awareness and driving forth the concept of smart homes.

Connected homes are no longer a futuristic concept in India. It is fast gaining popularity. Indians are willing to spend on safety, comfort and style. Thus, the day when most of the houses in India will be smart homes is not far away.

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